Part 3 – Korean Double Consonants

Korean Double Consonants

Letter Romanization Name Pronunciation Tips
gg 쌍기역 as in god
dd 쌍디귿 as in dot
bb 쌍비읍 as in boy
ss 쌍시옷 as in sit. the beginning of ㅆ is
stressed slightly more than ㅅ
jj 쌍지읒 as in job

Korean Study Tips

♦   When the consonant ㅆis placed as the final consonant(받침) of a syllable, ㅆ is pronounced as “t” ex. 있다 = itda

♦   These are some of the easiest consonants to learn as their pronunciation is always the same except for ㅆ.

Double Korean Consonants with Vertical Vowels

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Korean Consonant Families

Soft Consonant
Basic Consonant
Stressed Consonant

Korean Consonant Families Explained

The table above displays the 5 Korean consonant families. Each column represents a consonant family. The consonants in each column are related and have similar yet slightly different pronunciations.

Soft Consonants

The amount of air leaving your mouth is the least with soft consonants. Pronounce ㄲ = g then ㅋ = k back to back. Notice that less air leaves your mouth as you pronounce ㄲ resulting in a softer, less stressed sound. The same can be done with each Korean consonant family.

Basic Consonants

These letters are the most difficult as they are between the soft and stressed pronunciations. Follow the pronunciation tips in the tables of How to Study Korean Hangul part 1 and part 2. This will go a long way.

Stressed Consonants

The amount of air leaving your mouth is the most with stressed consonants. Pronounce ㄲ = g then ㅋ = k back to back. Notice that more air leaves your mouth as you pronounce ㅋ resulting in a harder, more stressed sound. The same can be done with each Korean consonant family.

Korean Study Tips

♦   The pronunciations of each consonant family takes a bit of practice to distinguish the differences. Don’t worry to much about this.

♦   If you mix up the soft, basic, and stressed pronunciations while speaking don’t worry too much as Koreans often understand what you are saying anyway.

♦   Understanding the differences in pronunciation is most important here. Your pronunciation will improve over time as you continue to study Korean.

My Korean Words

Word Romanization English Translation
bbang bread
ggot flower
뽀뽀 bbobbo kiss
딸기 ddalgi strawberry
코끼리 koggiri elephant

 Go to Part 4 – Korean Vowels Set 3